

1 Day

23 November 2019

Max 10 Persons

About Inversions

Go upside down to bring more patience, focus, and clarity to your life.

An inversion is any posture that places your head below your heart, so that the flow of blood is reversed. You can go totally upside-down like in handstand and Headstand or just part of the way upside-down like in Shoulder Stand or even Downward Facing Dog. Legs Up The Wall posture is an awesome restorative inversion. There is an inversion for every practice, for every fitness level and for every practice.

Inversions are often looked at as something only advanced rockstar yogis can or should do, but this is far from the truth. Inversions can be safely practiced by all and can bring health and healing to the body. Like many other postures in yoga, inversions can help you break out of your comfort zone and shake things up a bit. Everyone one can benefit from including an inversion or two into their daily yoga practice. These postures can be highly therapeutic, healing and come with a plethora of health benefits

As always, it is important to honor your body. Do not do anything that doesn’t feel good or is painful. Make sure that your yoga instructor is aware of any health conditions you may have before you begin your workshop

Be safe and treat your body well. Always remember to practice today so that you can practice tomorrow.

Duration : 1 day

Location : At Our Shala

Purpose :

  • Improve Circulation
  • Increased Energy
  • Relaxation
  • Increased Immunity
  • Improved Balance
  • Increased Muscle and Core StrengthGain Patience
  • Fun and Playfulness
  • Yoga Mat
  • Face towel
  • Free flow water
  • Shower room
  • Locker
  • Accommodation
  • Transport


One Step Booking


Day 1

  • 10.30 - 12.30 Inversions Workshop