Sweaty Hatha

Sweaty Hatha

About Sweaty Hatha

Another new concept of class we offer is Sweaty Hatha. A deep stretch hatha practice to train the body system throughout the asana. In Sweaty Hatha class, we start with sequencing of warm up position, continue with preparation deep stretch that takes us to the final peak position.

Sweaty Hatha is being opened in the afternoon when the day is mostly warm. This warmth helps the body to be more flexible, and thus produce more sweat. This way may help detox and physical purification.

Peak position is being chosen based on weekly concept and need of the class. Peak position can be hip stretching, chest stretching, arm balance, inversion and some advance poses. The teacher choose peak position by examining attendance’s capacity to ensure that students are not over worked during classes.

If you love asana exploration, this will be the class for you!

Duration :

Location :

  • Yoga Mat
  • Fresh water
  • Locker
  • Face Towel
  • Shower Room
  • Healthy juice. Additional IDR 20.000 for a glass of fruits and veggies juices (flavors option available at registration desk)

Drink enough water before class. And please inform the teacher if you have recent injuries. If you are beginner, have no doubt to join the class! You are very welcome. This class might actually help you to get to the asana more comfortably, based on your body exploration and progress.

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